Consistency comes up in most stories of success – followed closely or preceded by persistence. The keep pushing, go get em, I think I can so I can attitude drives the personality to reach the goals set ahead. Most of the participants in Blogchat last night on Twitter seemed to agree.
Consistency and I have had a tumultuous relationship at best. I find ways to be consistent for a few weeks (maybe even months) but something always veers me askew and I end up in a ditch. It may be something “positive” like a new schedule. It may be an unexpected illness in the family. No matter what the IT is, IT puts a hitch in my giddy up.
“If something is important then you will find the time to do it.” I wrote those very words, and they are true. I know that. I wrote content for other people CONSISTENTLY for five years. I just have not yet “found the time” to make my writing as important as I made the writing I did for others.
Nothing changes until something changes. If I ever want to fall into a habit of consistency with my own writing, then I have to change how I approach my own writing.
Challenge: Make a Schedule – AND DO IT
– Figure out what the most productive time of the day is for you. I work better in the mornings. Getting up one hour earlier will allow me to create content, work on a chapter or polish an article. That one extra hour can help me find a way to build consistency into my writing day.
– Know what needs to be accomplished. I have a list written out on a white board that reminds me what I want to accomplish for the week. It includes household chores, family activities, and my writing because working from home means finding a way to blend all of the things that need to be accomplished.
– Let others in on the secret. My family has access to the white board so that they can see what I need to do and they can help me CLAIM the time I need to get them done. The only thing I have yet to do is explain that morning works best for my writing while afternoons work better for my household activities. Bringing others into the loop can help keep the cart moving down the right path.
There is no right or wrong way to create a schedule. Put something into the computer. Create your own calendar to post on the wall. Make use of the white board. No matter how you do it, do it.
Do YOU have a schedule for your day?